
Monday, March 21, 2011

Juanes, Having a Musem Named After You....No Pressure

It must be an overwhelming feeling to have a person tell you that they want to pay tribute to you by immortalizing you by creating and naming a museum after you. 

It's just my opinion, bu I think that most artists do think about immortality...but not the immortality of their own image....but the immortality of of their music and the word that they send to the people of the world.  Each song is like a message in a bottle, waiting for someone to happen upon it read it, take something from it, and then throw the message back out into the waters of the world for the next person to find.

So while from the article we can tell that the feelings of the person that wanted to create the museum were nothing but love.....I can understand Juanes politely saying please don't. What makes me happy is that his wishes were understood. 


"Born in Medellín, Colombia, on August 9, 1972, Juanes was caught in the nets of music from an early age, influenced by found sounds from the music from the outskirts and the tangos of Carlos Gardel, to Soda Stereo, Led Zeppelin through Silvio Rodríguez and Jimi Hendrix.

For 8 years he was a singer, guitarist and main songwriter for the rock band Ekhymosis (1987-1999) with which he produced five albums.

His compositions reflect strictly personal experiences and themes ranging from love to the humor and double meaning, which further emphasizes the message of high social and uneasy peace that the singer Juanes and is opposed to the violence generated by the continuous fight in his native Colombia, as well as all the conflicts that mark the face of the earth, and highlights the love of family and respect for humanity as the path that takes us beyond the bitterness.

Millions of fans of this poetic rocker his compositions have been taken as true hymns dedicated to Latino pride, hope for peace, love and strength.

Recently named one of the 100 most influential people by Time magazine, Juanes has devoted considerable time to his work as a whole, and their work in this sense goes far beyond the passionate lyrics of their songs. This can be determined by finding the large number of philanthropic causes it supports continuously. Thus, the work of his own Mi Sangre Foundation has been recognized internationally as one of the most active against the use of landmines, both in Colombia and the rest of the world." For more on Junes visit his official website.

Will Juanes have a museum?

Buenos Aires, March 21 (Reporter). Colombian musician Juanes, who made headlines in the last hours by the exorbitant amount of supporters who joined in Facebook, is opposed to having a museum in his name. 
For a couple of months now, journalist Hector Arango, who lives in Manizales,  also a native of Colombia like Juanes is preparing a museum in honor of the artist responsible for Latin American song hits such as "Volverte a Ver" (See You Again) and "La Camisa Negra" (The Black Shirt) .

But the artist wasn’t too thrilled about the undertaking and strongly opposed, of course, in a polite and caring manner.

“Hector, please forget this idea.  I tell you with affection and respect, on behalf of our entire family”, wrote Juanes in a letter to the journalist which was published in the Colombian portal Caracol Radio. 
It seems that the musician was able to persuade the developer of the "Casa Museo Juanes", and so far the building which was to perpetuate his memory does not exist.  

Hector Arango also made a public response. "The English say: Your wish is my law, your wish is my command... and I assure you that it will be this way for the sake of our friendship and deep admiration I feel for you and your family. When, in the future, if you and your family consider it appropriate to honor this noble tribute to you, I would be willing to take back the flags and start again. Meanwhile, I will stay on first base and I offer my apologies for any mortification that this well intentioned initiative may have caused you”, wrote Hector, the person responsible for such particular idea.
 LL ...

Translation by Candela Spirit 
Media Research Glamour Girl


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